From the book, “USA: The 100 worst quotes”
Every Thursday NUEYS invites professionals from various fields to come and give seminars on different topics. On the 2nd of March, 2023 Ambassador Hana Simon was invited to give a lecture on the topic “USA: The 100 worst quotes.”
Ambassador Hana had recently translated a book written by Belgian writer and political analyst Michel Collon called “USA: LES 100 PIRES CITATIONS” into Tigrinya. The title of the book is “ሕ.መ.ኣ: ሕቡአ ጉዶም ኣብ ልሳኖም” and has been translated into the Tigrinya language. This book describes different events that expose the true nature of the USA’s greedy foreign policy. The book provides statements beginning from the 1940s that were said by American leaders (Presidents, Ambassadors, Ministers, Advisers, influential individuals, etc.) Throughout the decades that describe the exact essence of US foreign Policy through 100 quotes. Each quote has the year this quote was said, three informative points, the name and authority of the person that said the quote, the quote itself, and an analysis from the author about the quote.
After the analysis of some of the quotes, Ambassador Hana went on to describe the aim of writing this book. She said the main objective of this book when it was being translated from French to Tigrinya was to make sure that “Every single educated or uneducated/ inexperienced or experienced person(s), Should all understand the true face of US foreign policy if we are going to work together to fight against it.” While translating, she also gave her own explanations on potentially unclear phrases or words that were used in the original version of the book. Ambassador also gave the audience ten essentials of US foreign policy that the she thought needed to be understood when reading the book.
- One of its main purposes is to work for the profit of international corporations.
- There are no such things as friends.
- True Democracy is a danger to them.
- Must have strategic dominance over important resources (such as oil and gas.)
- Direct warfare as a tool.
- Indirect warfare and strategic chaos also as a tool.
- Overthrowing of Governments.
- Law and Human rights are irrelevant; we are allowed to do whatever we want.
- Sowing destruction using CIA and other nongovernmental organizations.
- Informational warfare/the Art of Confusion
In her next analyses she went on to ask questions she thought the audience should think about when reading this book. Who has the highest authority to enact these political decisions:
Is it the President? What about the extremely influential experts in strategy they have at their sides?
In the aim of destroying the US’s competitors, they go to the third world and create unrest and chaos in nations that were once prosperous. They create, and are still creating, strategies to get rid of influential people who can make/ are making a difference. But to what extent (if any) are they held responsible.
What about their Military and CIA?
Another part of the power is held in the hands of the US military and the CIA. While politicians are changed every few years, the leaders of the Military and CIA stay in power for more extended periods. So they have more time to enact their desires and visions.
What about Congress?
Members of Congress are chosen by the people, to represent the people that are voting for them in congress. So aren’t they technically the enactors of the will of the people.
Once everything has been analyzed it begs the question, where does the power really lie? Is there a form that has slightly more power than the other? Some even begin to create conspiracies that there’s some secret society in control, but there is no need to start jumping to such extremes. Though this does not mean we cannot make realistic suggestions. The best assumption is that power or control of the US government and its foreign policy lies in the hands of the ones who have the most money. Big international corporations are extremely influential; they provide the most financial resource. Therefore, they are the ones who get to do or control whatever they please.
What is the reason the mainstream media don’t talk about the US’s greedy and selfish foreign policy? They only provide us with public announcements from Washington. But if you want the truthful information you must look behind the scenes of what they say for example, how Wikileaks exposed Information about the US, this is a big step in the right direction to understanding. The most distressing fact is that this all won’t matter if the people don’t fully understand the facts that are being presented to them.
As a reader, after taking in the information from this book, there are two initial reactions that usually are seen in a reader. One is thinking “they (the US) are too strong” which is a defeated mindset. The other is thinking “we can win in this informational war” which is a proactive and moral boosting mindset.
The Ambassador Hanna later expressed,“ I have tried my best to provide a tool for all to learn about the behavior of the US.” She also described how, because the US has an enormous influence on the world, we must fully understand everything we need to know about the topic. We must do our part in trying to provide a solution for the situation together, only then can we find a clear direction out of this messy path.
The aim of this book is not to destroy someone’s hopes of a better world, but to provide the necessary enlightenment for one in order so that they can understand who they are up against. I once again hope that anyone reading this book doesn’t think they should be against America. The aim of this book is not to make some become against the nation and people of the USA, but against the few people and the policies who are leading the country on the wrong path.
Ambassador Hana also thanked everyone who helped in the process of publishing this book, and to the people who helped spread the word about the creation of this book. She also stressed the need for youth to read this book and full understand what it means. Finally Ambassador Hana received questions and comments from the audience who were present on the day of the seminar.
Written By: Frehiwet Daniel
Translated By: Raey Berhane