A new 2023 work plan has been developed
The National Union of Youth and Students of Eritrea (NUEYS) has called for the “Youth to Awaken, Organize and equipped” The 2022 activities were reviewed at its annual meeting on December 23-24 and a new work plan for 2023 was formulated.
The meeting which was attended by headquarters officials, zonal office and youth representatives discussed: regular civic education of middle level cadres of all zones to strengthen the awareness level of secondary school students, extensive vocational skills training programs in all regions in order to strengthen the skills of the youth, the tree planting and tracing efforts done all over the country in order to bring environmental awareness to the youth, news and campaign programs to raise awareness of youth on the history and values of Eritrean society and seminars conducted by union cadres and PFDJ and government officials to raise awareness and participation in the existing situation have produced encouraging results.
As the reports presented was compared with the goals of the organizational strategic plan, it was able to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the work done and to encourage further efforts.
After a thorough evaluation, the participants reached common understanding in the following issues to be done in 2023. The awareness and organization in youth clubs Red Flowers, Fitawrari, Humret should be qualitative and accompanied by practical work. The campaigning materials, seminars, presentations that is prepared for the college students must be up to date and standardized. NUEYS need to follow up the activities of the its cadres and strengthen and provide a platform for them. NUEYS needs to conduct news and media activities that could strengthen the role of the youth workers in serving the community. The youth should be encouraged to take part to the developmental and national building activities with passion. Transform the existing efforts on invention and innovation towards practical solutions. Proper preparations must be done in order to conduct the national youth festival. The inter college festival and the youth weeks should be done with minimal expenses. The participations and contributions of the councils of youth friends and PFDJ organs should be strengthened. Diplomatic works should be done according to their priorities. The survey of NUEYS activities conducted in schools and PFDJ and government bodies should be finalized at the first quarter of 2023.
In a concluding remark delivered by chairman Mr. Saleh Ahmedin, NUEYS as an organization that depends on the energy and efforts of the youth in implementing programs that supports the youth themselves in particular and society in general, in 2023 its target will be the high schools, Warsai secondary school and college. Thus, in order for the members to work with a great ownership and passion in implementing the organizational objectives more attention will be paid in the sub zonal and branches level elections and those who would be elected at the leading team of those unites.