Is this the way how a sovereign state sends its message!

Globalization is more difficult to get analyzed in short pieces like this, as its pillars influences all spectrums of our life. Through its supposedly technological, financial and cultural instruments, it connects life activities in its every aspect. Hitherto, globalization speeds up the interactions of different regions and populations around the globe, in a way to promote integration in philosophical, financial and economic terms. Surprisingly, it is impractical to escape from its wide jurisdictions as to remain safe from its disruptive and destabilizing maneuverings also. As humans, we have never been as interconnected as ever in history in economic and cultural aspects- a sneeze in one parts of the world is certainly the early symptoms of flu in another part- defines the reality.  And, the global rules of globalization states “think locally, but act globally’ whoever. In many practices, this motto helps a lot in rewarding mutuality in trade and environmental consciousness, in its revolution rewarding big returns for its beholders also.

Globalization has also defined by many as the last trip in human’s historical destiny. On the contrary, based on all the known and unknown reasons, some opines globalization will embrace yet very difficult test in order to ensure its continuity as an order. Among the arguments is, adherents of globalization might ruin the system in applying yet dangerous rules to fix its limits. So, if it is not too fast, globalization will get over sooner is the point.

Globalization has pros and cons. Whilst its pros argues it has the potential to make this world a better place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated problems like unemployment and poverty, its cons underlines that it has made the rich richer while making the non-rich poorer. This is aside its dangerous roles to kill cultural identities of minor segments of a society and the misuse of environment. Despite there is no question globalization is a good thing for countries that now have access to markets and can export cheap goods, there still exists a populist backlash against globalization on issues related to free trade, immigration and environmental protections. The change to the ways in which issues of security are and can be globally negotiated and the extraordinary pace of change in military technology with global impact pushes for the formation of a network of basis structured around the fact of this threat or opportunity poses equal importance to all humanity at once.

Whereas, there is a debate on the future of a state in the face of a very fluid Cross-border financial, human and digital interactions which has reached high water mark. For some, with the advent of new technologies that goes beyond borders, the existence of a state is less relevant than ever. Never before in history have people, information and capital moved across borders at the speed, frequency and volume we see today. However, we are encountering also with multiple international phenomenon which are less to be addressed globally if not locally. COVID-19 pandemic is among the many. If it has been asked what is the best remedy to combat COVID19 for instance, the answer is, house, village and above all country lockdown and greatest of all planet lock down are the best steps. Then, the meaning of all this is, things are still at the mercy of the state and its institutions.

Globalization exposes humanity to worst pandemic that moves as fast as a light by itself that its pathogens are the instruments of the system by itself.  In this circumstance, COVID19 is a crippling blow to globalization, results a very drastic containment measures never happened in history. Not even in wartime were people sequestered in their homes for at least two weeks under what’s for all intents and purposes of safety. It’s little wonder then that many are still shocked at how suddenly all of this happened, and are being critical about these powerful global processes at play.  So, what do we learn from this is, when we are always adherents of globalization and its opportunities, the same goes towards its  limits to safe one part of the world from the other also.  The distances where globalization covers, in its negative side devastated more national economies quicker than any kinetic conflict ever has,  and made the sovereign state a super savior and led  citizenry more dependent on the existence of strong  government than ever before. This tells a shrinking world is a fragmenting world at once.

Therefore, it is many times right that defining prior moments as they goes ahead of sovereign limits and boundaries is proved to be wrong thanks to this crises. The countering mechanism to the pandemic proves that, a country with strong government, strong institutions (particularly defense and security) and vigilant system is less to get harmed by the wave than a country which has not. And the reason behind why a mantra of ‘act locally think globally’ diverts to ‘think and act locally’ explains the fact that the host of every dynamics from now on will be sovereign nation states by itself. This is based on a truth that we have been looking so far states have been playing ‘a blame game over the source of the pandemic, fighting over the sharing of medical equipment and above all, taking every unilateral measure to ensure their survival. This is the real signs of states are on the verge their resurgence to weaponize identity and national power or norms as a vocal point. Global instruments are retreating, a prospect for the nation state to be strong enough to endure.


Amanuel Zekarias

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