NUEYS branch of Sawa and Higher Education Institutions held its six month’s enquiry meeting on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2017 at the Eritrean Institute of Technology (Mai-Nefhi). At the occasion where numerous members and officials of the Union, cadres of the sub-zones, colleges’ representatives, members of WarsayYkalo School and Mamos (Sawa Vovational Training Institute) participated, the various institutions presented their activities’ reports. The meeting also covered the different events and festivals that are held annually by the colleges and the Students’ weeks as well.
Present at the event Mr. Oqbai Berhe, head of the central office of the NUEYS, gave a comprehensive seminar on “The importance and challenges of building a formidable youth”.
On the same vein, Ms. Helen Amine, head of the Zonal offices of NUEYS gave her views and additional ideas on the discussions that were raised. She stated that it was a meeting that evaluated the setbacks and manage to make plans to move forward. Ms. Helen also reminded the participants to keep working strong on the chores of their regions as always.