The Executive Body of NUEYS conducted its regular meeting from 16 to 17 October 2016 in Massawa. The meeting that was lead by NUEYS Chairman, Mr. Saleh Ahmedin, discussed on last year’s achievements, lessons learned and on next year’s work plan.
During the two day’s meeting, the Executive Body also analysed the major activities the Union has been carrying out in the past few years. NUEYS has been actively working in increasing the political awareness and ensuring full participation of the Eritrean youth; developing the organizational capacity of the Union; and strengthening bilateral relations.
The Executive Body also talked about the various trainings that were given to a number of youths in order to produce versatile cadre and to strengthen the organizational skill of the Union. Recently, intermediate cadre level trainings were given to the eighth grade Fitewrari, who are active participants of NUEYS programs.
“The annual national colleges’ festivals that are creating and ensuring high participation of the youth, should be encouraged and acknowledged,” says a report from NUEYS executive body.
According to the report, NUEYS, benefiting from working with various partners since 2014, trained about ten thousand youth in eleven types of skills. “The ultimate aim of these trainings is creating job opportunity to the youth. Hence, all necessary follow-ups and encouragements would be made,” says the report.
Organizing youth workers in all the zobas and ensuring their productivity is one of the major programs of NUEYS. According to the NUEYS Executive Body’s report, organization of youth workers at Zoba Maekel has shown an encouraging progress and high youth participation. “All the Zobas should learn from the experience gained from Zoba Maekel. And Zoba Maekel has to continue its success story and share what it has achieved with the other Zobas,” says the Executive Body.
The Executive, talking on the participation of Eritrean youth in the Diaspora, says that all the endeavours exerted to ensure and strengthen their utmost participation has not yet met what was expected. “More effort will be exerted in collaboration with the concerned partners.”
NUEYS works in collaboration with various national, regional and international youth organizations. During its meeting, the NUEYS Executive Body, plans to work closely with its main partners in the coming year.
In addition to its every three months meeting, The Executive Body of the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students conducts its regular meeting every six months.